NPM International


We have installed a daily prayer altar where we pray for the salvation of souls, the coming revival, Christian Professionals, Missions’ frontline workers and Field evangelists. Matthew 9:37-38


We understand the role of prayer in the coming revival for mass salvation of souls and as a Network, our part in this is to ensure that the sacrifice of prayer continues on a daily basis. Our prayer Altar has been and will continue to be a place of encounters, testimonies and the manifest, palpable presence of God. Our prayer faculty has ensured that day after day we have incense burning unto God on this Altar. We encourage you to be part of what God is doing on this Altar by joining us every day. Where you are also interested in being part of the prayer faculty, the Group of Network members responsible for the administration of Altar, please feel free to reach out to us through the secretariat email r[email protected].


We will really love to see you join us on the Altar today. Please use the link below to join. 


Enter your email and password.